Tuesday, August 18, 2015

PCOS vs. Body Image

I haven't been doing much in the way of new cosplays these days.  There are a few reasons for this.  First I haven't had the financial stability to do so until recently.  Second I haven't had the physical space in my living conditions, which as also recently changed.  Now that we have moved we are working on unpacking from the move still.  (A.K.A. Everything is in a state of unorganized chaos.  We just found the silverware today, and we have been here for over two weeks.)  Third now that I have to the first two things I haven't had the time.  I currently work two jobs and go to school full time.  Summer semester ended last week.  I have one week off before fall classes start.  If I have free time I spend it trying to relax a little bit and organize the chaos a little bit.  And my final reason, I'm self conscious about my recent weight gain.

This is my cat Alucard (A.K.A. Squeakers) .  I added this picture no reason other than its cuteness.
  Now I understand the whole idea of love your body, and positive body image.  I have even gone though my list of coplays that I want to do, and found some that I would be more than comfortable doing with the extra weight.  However, I am still going to loose that weight, and it isn't because of body image.  I have much more important reasons as to why I will loose the weight.

I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  The excess weight will lead to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, infertility, even more rapid extra weight gain, and most likely a host of other ailments.  When I am at a "healthy weight" as designated by my doctor, all these ailments become less likely.  With the extra weight the are almost certainties.  So, you can see why loosing the extra weight is important to me.

Now, why am I telling everyone this?  I am currently about  50 pounds overweight (or about 4 dress sizes), and I have had many people tell me that I look great or hide the weight well.  I am taking medications, doing what I can to eat healthy, and with a bit of luck I will start exercising soon.  Even when I am at my doctor recommending healthy weight I can't stop eating healthy and exercising.  If I did stop I would start gaining weight.  The last time I was in my healthy weight zone I had many people accuse me of having poor body image or being anorexic for doing what I had to do for my health.  I had many people trying to body shame me for wanting to be healthy.  They made me feel guilty for doing the things that my doctor told me to do.  They people that I was hoping would support me instead did the opposite, because the media and all the other information outlets talk about body image and weight.  As if the only reason someone would be dieting is for weight loss.  Or the only reason someone wants to loose weight is body image.  There is far more reasons than those.  Remember you don't know the struggles that others are facing.  Do what you can to support them through their struggles.  They will appreciate that more than anything.  Yes, there are people out there that DO have bad body image issues.  I'm not saying they don't.  I just don't think it is as common as you would think.  I am working with my doctor on this, and have been for more than 10 years.  I'm just a woman struggling with health issues that is getting tired of all the false body image issues the people keep accusing me of having.  I don't think I am the only one either.

All I ask is please be kind to one another, and try not to judge someone until you have all of the facts.  (Better yet, don't judge them at all if possible. They need your support far more than your judgment.)  Have compassion for each other.