Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Stop Hating on People

There are two things that happened today that spawned this post.  The first is I have a friend who is the mother of a special needs boy.  He is in constant need of special medical attention.  During one of his doctor's appointment someone very rudely informed her that she needed to have plastic surgery done on her son's face, because he looked different.  The little boy isn't even two.  I've been watching her struggle with affording medical bills, and tests.  Watch her joy at little things that parents would normally take for granted (her son being able to roll over or play in the dog food for the first time).  And, then see someone pull a stunt like this is both infuriating and heart breaking.

The second thing that happened today was another friend of mine who just happens to have dark skin and cosplays a lighter skin toned character.  They are a pretty well known cosplayer throughout the mid west.  So, many of you will know who I am talking about.  Ever year to eighteen months goes by and there is a new batch of hate that seems to creep its way into the internet directed toward this person.  I am saddened that there are people out there that even do this to others.  Most if not all of this hatred is coming from people that don't even cosplay.

This is something I through together one nights just for kicks, and the Trigun Badlands Rumble promo their were doing.  FUNimation would make a wanted poster of you in the same style of Vash the Stampede's if you sent them a photo and your name.  I had a bit of fun with it, and combined a lot of stuff together.  Even the chain I have was just left over from another project.  :P

This reminds me of a time that I was at a little get together at a game store.  They were throwing a costume/cosplay party since it was their grand opening.  They even had a costume contest.  I've been sewing since I was 5 years old.  I started making my own clothing at the age of 13, and started making my own costumes around 19.  I've had a bit of practice at it.  Not everyone has that much practice.  I understand that.  There are a lot of people that are interested in making their own cosplays.  There was a young lady at this event that was making her very first cosplay, and wanted to show people the progress she had made.  She told people that she was learning to sew while she made it, and that the costume was incomplete.  Along came some random guy that I've never met that strikes up a conversation with me by completely bashing this poor girls cosplay.  Top to bottom, and he even started bashing her weight (she was a bit more heavy set).  I eventually looked at the guy and said, "She said she was learning, and that was the first things she has ever made.  She is even sewing it by hand."  They guy didn't get the hint that I was defending her, and continued that bashing.  I eventually had to walk away, because he was making me so mad.

Where did the idea come from that people who cosplay want to be told all the things that you find wrong with another person's cosplay?  I understand everyone has to start somewhere.  Even I am still learning.  I constantly learn new tricks and tips that make my garments look better.  Why all of the hate for those that look different?  There will be cosplayers that will make their own variation of a character.  I have another friend that does zombie Disney princesses.  OMG?  You mean that it doesn't have to be 100% accurate?  No, it doesn't.  But, if it isn't 100% accurate that means you support the "sexy cosplayer".  No, no it doesn't.  Why must it be one or the other?  What happened to people just having fun, and doing what they wanted to do?  Have fun, enjoy life, do the things you want to do.  We all have to start somewhere.  You will make mistakes.  And, chances are there will be that one costume that you make that years from now you will never want to show in public, but you won't get rid of because you learned so much while making it.  This happens to all artists in all disciplines.  It okay, and perfectly normal.  And, who's to say that one day you won't remake that costume that you are hiding in the closet.  I bet my chances that you will still keep the original though.  Each costume we make or wear becomes a part of us.

This is something I've been working on for a while.  I've been keeping it somewhat under wraps, but I've been having to do a lot of research and have been talking to a lot of people getting helpful tips and ideas.  This is a wig I will be using for part of it.  Or That is the plan anyway.  This is cosplay.  It doesn't always work out the way you plan it to in the beginning.

Putting on a costume and going out in public requires a lot of courage.  Even more so if you made it yourself.  If there is someone hating on you that isn't in costume keep in mind they don't have the courage to do what you are doing.  Cosplayers put their art on display, and in a way their body as well.  A lot of them use their body as a type of canvas, and their paint is the fabrics they use to make their costumes.  Taking a step outside your front door wearing your very first cosplay can be very difficult indeed.  Be kind to each other.

Just wanting it to be know that I support all types of cosplay, crossplay, skill levels, body types, races, religion, what have you.  It's about having fun.  Not someone ideal of a perfect person.  As I said to my friend with the little boy, look at the person that tells you these things, and say, "You are different too.  We are all different.  We should be spending our energy enjoying the things that make us different, and not on wishing we looked like someone else."

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Cosplay Plans as of Today: Subject to Change at any Time

Alright I'm doing it.  I'm finally making an album of planned cosplay projects that people can actually see.  Well . . . at least of the characters and outfits that don't only exist in my head.  There are quite a large number of those sadly.  -_-'

Since cosplay is considered more of an anime thing I'll start there.  Future anime cosplays:

Abel Nightroad from Trinity Blood.  This was the first thing I ever wanted to cosplay.  It will happen one day.  Just working on getting my skills up to the task, and learning how to make armor.  I have plans to do both forms.  Krusnik form will most definitely come after his human form.

Ezra Scarlet from Fairy Tail, Heaven's Wheel Armor

Washu from Tenchi.  I know she has lots of outfits, but this is the one I am must partial too.  "Just call me Little Washu!"

Amelia from Trigun: Badlands Rumble.  If I did this it would be after a lot of other projects sadly, but it is still something I have thought of putting together.

Hel from Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok.  I like the character, but not the outfit so much.  There are reasons I want to cosplay Hel.  Some what undecided about this one.
Belldandy from Ah! My Goddess!  I have reasons I want to cosplay her and reasons I don't.  So, this one is kind of up in the air.

Next up I'll go with live action movie cosplays (and technically comic books):

Special Agent Eunice Bloom from Boondock Saints: All Saints Day.

Loki from Thor and The Avengers.  I'm putting this here since I really like this particular outfit.  But, I'm thinking of still doing Loki's female form, and making an outfit that combines aspect of both this and the female Loki from the comics.

Next up is video game cosplays:

Bayonetta from Bayonetta.

Caster from Fate Extra.  I have a different picture of her in a kimono. If I learn that is actual in game art and not fan art I may do that one as well.

Mad Moxxi from Borderlands.

On to other games:

One of the Sisters of Battle from Warhammer 40K.

And finally my plans for art appreciation in cosplay form:

Angel of Justice.  The only indicator I have of the creator is the their divaintART page http://pari0109.deviantart.com/

Rebirth of Elene by Soa Lee.

The new Severeielle, Queen of Shadows by Nene Thomas.

The Queen of Owls by Nene Thomas.

The original Severeielle, Queen of Shadows by Nene Thomas. Perhaps I should have given Nene her own category.  I just love the outfits and designs that she has.

Keep in mind this isn't including fursuits, steampunk, fan inspired outfits, or any original characters.  I also have plans to remake my Chocolate Misu cosplay.  I had a few design flaws in the top, and the arm band I made I found out I was allergic to (or at least it was really itchy).  If I don't loose a few inches off my waistline I won't be able to fit into it anyway.  Working on getting back into shape.  It will happen . . . just slower than I would like it to.  Working on strengthening my back and stomach muscles, and it has helped so much with my slipped disc.  Still working on it, and seeing slight improvements every day.  :D!!

If you happen to have any other coplay ideas for me feel free to make suggestions!  Any and all input is always welcome and encouraged.  >^.^<